Please enter only the information that you would like changed in our database.
Other than your name, email, and weekend, please leave the entries that you are not changing blank.
(You actually can fill in as many entries as you’d like… but if you have that much time on your hands, please head over to our Volunteer page!)
We’re Here to Help

Marianne Dierker, Lay Director, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Bert Dombrowsky, Asst. Lay Director, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Gerry Olsen, Senior Spiritual Director, Gold Coast Via de Cristo.

George Stemper, NLS Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Gina Kastner, Music Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Lindsey Brown, Communications Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Deena Nunes, Secretary, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Jennifer Kent, Palanca Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Stuart Lockrow, Kitchen Coordinator, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

John Elliot, Leaders’ School Coordinator, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Debbie Switzer Geary, Pre-Via de Cristo Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Matt Johnston, Media Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Carol-Ann Beers, Post Via de Cristo Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Scott Bruening, Physical Arrangements Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Karen Hernandez, Sponsorship Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Crystal Twaddell, Webmaster, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Beth Brown, Database Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Eva Dombrowsky, Treasurer, Gold Coast Via de Cristo