Thank you for your interest in serving in the kitchen.

Using the contact form below, please share a little about what you would like to do.

We’re Here to Help

Kevin Janies, Lay Director, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Kevin Janies

Peter Feaman, Asst. Lay Director, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Peter Feaman

Dave Rankin, Senior Spiritual Director, Gold Coast Vie de Cristo.

Dave Rankin

Bob Brauer, NLS Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Bob Brauer

Janet Cunningham, Music Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Janet Cunningham

Jonette Bishop, Communications Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Jonette Bishop

Addie Breuning, Secretary, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Addie Breuning

Maureen McNulty, Palanca Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Maureen McNulty

Greg Giambrone, Kitchen Coordinator, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Greg Giambrone

Sherri Giambrone, Leaders’ School Coordinator, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Sherri Giambrone

Rhonda Krill, Pre-Via de Cristo Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Rhonda Krill

Donald Hamm, Media Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Donald Hamm

Pati Baker, Post Via de Cristo Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Pati Baker

Scott Bruening, Physical Arrangements Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Scott Bruening

Mike Warnock, Sponsorship Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Mike Warnock

Robert De Angelis, Webmaster, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Robert De Angelis

Larry Schone, Database Representative, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Larry Schone

Debbie Janies, Treasurer, Gold Coast Via de Cristo

Debbie Janies